Two Types of Breach of Contract

Breach of contract occurs when one or both parties fail to uphold their end of an agreement or contract. Such breaches can have significant consequences for all parties involved. In this article, we will discuss the two types of breach of contract and what they entail.

1. Material breach

A material breach of contract occurs when one party fails to deliver on a critical part of the agreement or contract. This type of breach can have severe consequences and often results in the injured party seeking compensation or damages. A material breach can occur in several ways, including:

– Failure to complete the job as agreed upon

– Failure to make payment for services rendered as agreed upon

– Failure to deliver goods or services in the specified time frame

– Failure to adhere to contractual terms and conditions.

If one party has committed a material breach of contract, the other party can terminate the agreement and seek legal action to recover any damages incurred.

2. Minor breach

A minor breach of contract, also known as a partial breach, occurs when one party fails to deliver on a non-critical part of the agreement or contract. This type of breach usually does not have significant consequences and can often be resolved through negotiation or mediation. Some examples of minor breaches of contract include:

– Delivering goods or services that do not meet exact specifications

– Delivering goods or services late without any significant impact on the other party

– Making a late payment that does not significantly harm the other party

If a minor breach of contract occurs, both parties can negotiate a resolution or agree on a compensation plan that satisfies both sides. In some cases, the parties may agree to overlook the breach and continue with the agreement.

Final thoughts

Breaches of contract can have significant consequences, and it is essential to understand the different types of breaches that can occur. A material breach is a severe breach that can result in legal action, while a minor breach can usually be resolved through negotiation or mediation. As a result, it is crucial to ensure that all parties involved understand the specifications of the agreement and adhere to the terms and conditions to avoid any breaches of contract.



